Monday, February 21, 2011

Wherever you go, there you are

This weekend was awesome. I went on a road trip to Lubbock with one of my best friends to meet up with some of my favorite people ever. Basically, I was surrounded with people I thoroughly enjoy all weekend. That is so rare for me. I wish that I would have gotten more pictures of the trip, but here are a few highlights of awesome things I did/saw:

1. Lyndi and I watched the moon come up on our drive into town. It was insane. The moon was huge and red. It was one of the most beautiful things ever. We decided it was extremely romantic, especially since we amp'd up the moment by putting on "My Heart Will Go On" [Yes, the Titanic song]

2. We got to Lubbock, met up with Kyle and James, only to immediately get lost.

3. Bowling!! I haven't been in forever, and it was a great time. James killed all of us, but I did my best to hold my own.

4. Sleeping was even an adventure...though I don't feel like elaborating.

5. Kyle, James, and I got together on Saturday and ate at Five Guys. We meandered around random stores for a while, and I talked to a parrot with some sad tail feathers.

6. James took me to the mall..where I got a new outfit [complete with a robot necklace]. He then HAD to take me into this amazing store with a name I will never remember. It was basically Flower Child Sara's dream store. We were in it for around 45 minutes. I came out with a ring that states the obvious, "Wherever you go, there you are"

7. We snuck into Kyle's rehearsals and watched him act like a child for 10 minutes. It was awesome. :)

8. I took a picture with Buddy Holly's glasses!

9. Kyle and I picked up Lyndi to take her to a rodeo..and we ended up driving around for at least an hour. It was kind of hilarous/ridiculous.

10. Kyle and I went to dinner...but only after getting lost like 500 times. I was super amused, while Kyle was just frayed. We finally made it to the restaurant, where I squeezed into a chair far too large for the area. We decided that the waiter's knowledge of the excessively long specials menu was nothing short of impressive, and had an all in all lovely dinner.

11. To top off the night, I got beat at Air Hockey. Nothing new. :)

It was an awesome weekend, mostly because there was great company the whole time. My friends are the best, and I am glad to have a road trip buddy. Even without a real plan, we had a wonderful time. That's the best part.


  1. How do people that LIVE in Lubbock get LOST? ha ha nice blog Sara.

  2. Haha. I don't know? He keeps swearing that he never gets lost...but I still don't think I believe him.
