Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You Lose Some, You Win Some

As everyone who is anyone knows, Superbowl XLV was this weekend. It was a nail-biting football game for anyone who knows the sport, and even more so for the people who had interest in the teams playing. I just so happened to be one of those people. For a female, I could comfortably say I am a pretty big Steelers fan. Girls don't stereotypically get into football, but I love it. L-O-V-E. I don't love much of anything, but seriously...The Pittsburgh Steelers? Love 'em.

Well, everyone (even the people that haven't watched a game in their lives) knows that the Steelers lost. Boo. I was nothing short of extremely angry. I was frustrated, upset, and just wanted to go to bed. Unfortunately, that was not an option. I had three hours to drive from my hometown to where I currently reside for college. I had zero energy and I was in the foulest of moods.

Here is when I remembered the whole, "life- it goes on" cliché. I had places to be, classes to go to in the morning, and a cousin that could care less about football to ride in the car with on the way home. I just needed to suck it up. So I did. I really wanted to be disappointed for a little while longer, but I simply didn't have the time. As the drive proceeded, my mood improved. I began looking forward to my week and dwelling on the negativity less and less. And, as lame as it is, the loss of a football game taught me a lesson. Positivity is key.

And as I begin my new start, I'm just going to muster every little bit of my confidence and roll with the punches. Win or lose, I'll make the best of it all.