Monday, February 7, 2011

Things Will Be Different

I had a blog, but I didn't like it. So I decided to start over. I do that from time to time. Embracing change- it's something I am good at. I actually kind of yearn it. Lately, a lot of change has been happening in my life. A sudden gust of motivation took over me, and I found myself with a new major, a new hair color, and a new sort of outlook. What's funny is that the important aspects of this newfound change have been in front of my face for a very long time.

We, as people, generally tend to overthink the obvious. Nothing can be as simple as it really is- but...wait- can it? That's the question that I found myself asking a little while back. Why do we do this to ourselves? People are paranoid creatures, always grasping for one better than what they have. While this drive is noble, it also has the potential to be so very destructive. Rarely can a person sit down, look at their life, and say they are happy and grateful for everything that they have, because they are always looking for a better option.

I sat and pondered on this for a while. I gathered all of my little dreams from high school, back when I seemed to know way more than I know now, and I started implementing them. Already, I can see the giant difference. I changed my major to fit what I wanted to do in seventh grade. Crazy, I know. The results thus far? I'm loving it. Not just a little bit...but totally loving it. I'm embracing everything I have learned...and starting over.


  1. Awesome. What have you changed your major to? I'm very curious :)

  2. English! Haha. I love it. I'm a crazy lady.

  3. Content... keep going up will sooner or later bring you down. Gravity... I love you Sara be you that's all you can be.
